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PAINT COLORS suggested for this DVD:
Green Gold Raw Sienna Yellow ochre Quinacridone gold Sap green Indanthrone Blue Quinacridone Violet French Ultramarine Blue Quinacridone Burnt Orange New Gamboge Yellow Hansa Yellow Med Pyrrol Scarlet Burnt Sienna Perylene Maroon
Any additional rich browns, oranges, yellows, and rusty leaf colors! You certainly do not need all of these colors, I'm listing several suggestions. Use what you have in your paint box/palette.
no. 8, 10, 12, round brushes synthetic or sable with a good point 2 Flat brushes ¾ inch is a good size 1 or 2 of Susie’s 1" chisel tip wash brushes (This is a 1 inch hog bristle brush made by Daniel Smith) #4 rigger or script liner
PAPER: 140 pound Arches cold pressed watercolor paper divided into 1/8 sheets Approximately 11 inches by 7.5 inches Cardstock for watercolor (if painting greeting cards)
Miscellaneous supplies used for this DVD are: paper towels, a blotter made from toilet paper covered with paper towels, two water containers, scissors, stylus, "Write-On" transparency film, medium point Sharpie-type permanent marker. Gathered and collected leaves. A fun attitude and the desire to learn is helpful!